InvestoGain New Zealand


Any AUS or NZ company


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Find any Australian or New Zealand company or fund (dead or alive) by using SEARCH above or go directly to the site:

deListed and InvestoGain acknowledge the support of ASX and ASA:


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Companies and financial reporting


On every page of this website you can search for a company and review detailed information and current status for each company listed on NZX or delisted from NZX.

Each company record also provides shareholder links and easy access to company websites, annual reports, announcements and directors' transactions.

Within each company record you can click on directors and senior executives to research the quality of the people responsible for managing your investments.


Financial  statements

Unless you have some familiarity with company financial statements, don’t try a lot of original research.  A little knowledge of the figures can be dangerous.

Financial statements for every company can be accessed via the company record on our site. Simply use the SEARCH facility above and see the Shareholder Links section with each record.

The Chairman’s and CEO’s reports are often a useful overview and outlook, but be aware of “spin”. There is a pervasive approach that a positive perspective should be presented, no matter what.

Read and listen to what others say about the financial health of the business via the media and analysts. Talk to a broker or an accountant or other financial adviser for confirmation. Watch for these early warning signs of company failure:

  Delays in filing financial statements, particularly when there are indications that asset valuations are the cause.

  Auditors not signing the financial statements, delaying their sign-off or resigning.

  Financial statements showing:

  Negative returns on equity.

  Negative cash flows at operating level.

  High gearing.

  Low or negative NTA (net tangible assets).

See here for other early warning signs of failure.


Further Reading:

Understanding financial statements by Humphries Associates 



Thank you for the wonderful service you provide through your website. I've had the pleasure of selling a parcel of shares: easy, efficient, and very cost-effective. And I especially like the super-easy way your site allows me to chase up companies' various name changes, and so remain up-to-date.
I Brandli, Coffs Harbour NSW

…out of all the exchanges that I do research for, your particular web site makes finding information so easy. I wish the rest of the world would follow your footsteps. Reuters

Thank you so much for assisting with this. I contacted the registry today and they did confirm there are …… shares [value: $42,000] in my sister’s name. I have put ......... in contact with them so she can update her address and will thereafter be able to claim the dividends [value: $3764] and sell her shares if she chooses. We really appreciate your help, this money will be of huge assistance to ..... What a fantastic service you provide.